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Felix™ NeuroAI™ Wristband

A wearable AI neurostimulator providing all-day relief for tremors in patients with movement disorders.

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A Revolutionary Device for Essential Tremors and Parkinson’s Disease

Fasikl’s Felix™ NeuroAI™ Wristband is a transformative technology for patients with movement disorders such as essential tremor and Parkinsons. Combining cutting-edge neural modulation and artificial intelligence, patients experience all-day relief.

Current treatment options for movement disorders only provide limited, temporary relief and are applicable only to a small percentage of the patient population; some are also highly invasive. Fasikl’s solutions provide up to a full day of relief and are non-invasive.

Felix™ seamlessly transmits data from the wristband sensors to Fasikl’s AI cloud, where it analyzes the patient’s unique tremor profile and signals the necessary stimulation back to the device.

The Felix™ NeuroAI™ Wristband recently completed its first trial phase and anticipates completion of the second phase later this year. This significant breakthrough in the management of tremors has the potential to greatly enhance the quality of life for those living with movement disorders.

How AI and Neuromodulation Work Together

Fasikl’s team of experienced scientists and engineers have been analyzing human peripheral nerve neural signals for nearly a decade.

Their products acquire neural signals from nerves with fascicle- and even fiber-level resolution, enabling simultaneous neural recording during stimulation, and allowing the collection of neural data to inform AI-driven therapy.

The AI system trains on aggregated user data and continuously learns, adapting to individual patients’ evolving needs based on their personal data and experiences for enhanced customization over time.

This innovative technology is a significant breakthrough in the treatment of movement disorders, offering consistent and effective therapy that provides new hope for those living with these conditions.

Disclaimer: Felix™ NeuroAI™ Wristband is currently not FDA approved or cleared. It is being studied in clinical trials to support a future marketing application to the FDA.